Monday, September 15, 2014

Hospitality Project: Boutique Hotel 3D Rendering

It's been a little while since I've shared a school project with you. This term I did one that I'm very excited about, so I thought I would post about it! Our studio this term was hospitality, and as groups we designed a 7 storey boutique hotel. As a boutique hotel, we could go a little more themed compared to most projects, and my team decided to create the atmosphere of an old magic show with modern twists. 

I was in charge of the main floor, which included a reception area, small bar/lounge, and waiting areas. This term I also took a course on 3D AutoCAD modelling and rendering. I chose to model and render the hotel main floor that I designed, and I am so in love with the final outcome!

Everything you see in the image above I modelled from scratch using AutoCAD, including the original floorplan, the walls, ceilings, tophat light fixtures, sconces, textural mirrored desk, sofas, rabbit ear chair, windows, medallions and mouldings. The only exceptions are the barstools, bar accessories (bottles, etc.), laptop and large chandeliers, which I found blocks for. I then selected and added materials to every surface, many of which I inputted into the program myself because I could not find what I wanted in CAD's material library, such as the floor tile. Finally, I added all of my light sources and the city view out the window. I then took the final image into photoshop and added some silhouettes:

Working on something this detailed in 3D CAD is not without its challenges. The program becomes very slow because there are so many things for it to remember and regenerate with every little move. I had a crisis where all of my lights stopped working, even though they were turned on and still in place. It took hours and hours of hard work and patience, but it was worth it! I can't believe how far I've come in 3D modelling. Remember my first experience doing 3D digital rendering (using SketchUp) here? While those looked quite cartoon-like, this looks quite photo realistic. I'm very proud of it.

At the end of this week I will be done 8 out of 12 terms, and I have the options of finishing in only 11 terms due to transfer credits from my previous degree. This means I'm more than two thirds done my second degree! I am so excited. 

Have you learned any new skills that you are excited about lately?

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