Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Meet my Boyfriend: Marshall Jacklin

As some of you know, I have been dating the kindest, most thoughtful man for the past 10 months or so, who I mysteriously refer to as 'M'. Well today, the mystery is over as I'm so proud to introduce him to the world. His name is Marshall Jacklin, and not only is he the best boyfriend, he is also a talented musician who sings, plays piano, and writes the most incredible of songs.
For the past year and a half, Marshall has been hard at work writing, editing, practicing, eliminating and recording tracks, and has now arrived at a collection of 9 songs for his new album 'Putting on a Show'.  It is available for free download at his brand new site, www.marshalljacklin.com, which officially launches today. Each song was recorded in a full take, demonstrating his skills as a live musician. Some songs make me laugh, some make me dance, more than one makes me cry (especially 'Much Younger'...literally every time). He is so inspiring!


I am so in awe of this handsome man and his talent! I hope you will all take a moment to listen, share, download, etc. You can also follow Marshall Jacklin on instagram here to keep up to date!

Thank you so much! I am SO proud of you babe!

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